Premier League breaks record with £1.17 million

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Volver al BLOG” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-long-arrow-left” add_icon=”true” link=”|||”][vc_column_text]The transfer deadline day is around the corner, and this summer has seen another record level of transfer spending in England, as Premier League clubs continue to use their increases in their revenue to invest in their main assets, playing talent.

According to business analysts Deloitte, the 20 clubs have spent £1.170 million on players for this summer, breaking the previous record of £1.165 million set last summer, and with time remaining this time around the numbers could rise to even more breathtaking levels.

Manchester United led the way paying Everton £75 million for Belgium striker, Rumelu Lukaku, while Chelsea paid Real Madrid £75 million for Alvaro Morata.

“The level of transfer expenditure in this summer’s window has been extraordinary, but when analysed in the in the context of record broadcast, commercial and match day revenues, Premier League clubs are spending within their means. Their ability to generate these record revenues and attract the world’s very best playing talent continues to drive the Premier League’s status as the most commercially successful football league in the world. “

“We expect further significant expenditure in the next seven days as clubs seek value in the market. Last summer, Premier League clubs spent around £300 m in the final week of the window, more than they did throughout the entire January 2017 window.”, commented Chris Stenson, consultant in the Sports Business Group of Deloitte.

As of this morning, and with one week to go before the close of the summer 2017 transfer market, Premier League clubs have spend already record amount, and it would not be until the morning of September 1st, when The Deloitte Sports Business Group will provide a comprehensive complete analysis of this summer’s transfer window.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]